Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease of the blood in which red blood cells are crescent-shaped, and which can cause blockages in blood flow, pain, and damage to organs. Living with this condition can be difficult since patients have constantly recurring pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. Currently, sickle cell anemia has no known cure. Still, it is among the diseases for which medical marijuana is slowly being considered as a possible solution for some of these problems.
There has been increased development of lots of research information on the use of marijuana for medical purposes especially for the management of pain and inflammation. When it comes to sickle cell anemia, marijuana—especially medical marijuana that is rich in CBD and THC has been proven to alleviate chronic pain, reduce inflammation, bring about better sleep, and calm anxiety. Despite a lack of well-controlled trials, sickle cell anemia patients are getting live-daily evidence that cannabis improves their symptoms and their overall quality of life.
In this article, we’ll explore five key benefits of medical marijuana for people with sickle cell anemia.
1 Pain Relief
The primary symptom of sickle cell anemia is sickle cell crisis, which is severe discomfort or pain. This happens when red blood cells are crescent-shaped, and when they join together, they block blood flow to parts of the body and cause severe chest, bone and joint pain, and other body tissues. Certain methods of controlling pain may not be very effective, and some patients may develop resistance to medication over time.
Cannabis and non-psychotropic cannabis including strains containing CBD/THC have been found to have analgesic effects. THC, or compounds that inspire a reaction in the human body, impacts the way that the endocannabinoid system functions within the body, which controls pain, as well as mood. THC, when interfacing with the cannabinoid receptors, can assist in dampening the strength of the pains that are characteristic of sickle cell crises and give patients the relief that they so sorely need.
2 Reduction of Inflammation
Another clinical feature commonly associated with sickle cell anemia is chronic inflammation. Due to the presence of these sickle-shaped cells, blockage of blood vessels may lead to inflammation in the lungs, kidneys, or joints. If this inflammation is maintained for some time, it can damage organs and cause other health complications.
Medical marijuana has anti-inflammatory properties in this regard; the work of CBD has been examined in its capacity as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cbd has shown properties in moderating the immune response and reducing cytokine production in the body. Inflammation is said to cause additional damage to the body’s organs and tissues hence minimizing it through medical marijuana consumption enhances the general well-being of patients suffering from sickle cell anemia.
3 Improved Sleep Quality
Patients suffering from sickle cell anemia complain of nocturnal pains, discomfort, and anxiety related to their disease. Poor sleep often brings symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and even a lighter immune response into greater focus. Therefore, getting better sleep quality is an essential part of treating sickle cell anemia.
Marijuana especially those with high CBD has an impact on sleep and the substance has been seen to enhance sleep. CBD also has anxiolytic properties, which result in improved sleep quality because it affects the governance of the nervous system of the human body. THC at lower doses may also act as an artisan and help people experiencing chronic pain to have a good night’s sleep.
Improved sleep improves general health, boosts the body’s repair mechanism, and reduces stress and bad temper. It can also be understood that for those with sickle cell anemia, good quality sleep is an important component of coping with both the somatic and affective dimensions of the illness.
4 Reduction of Anxiety and Stress
Staying with a life-long disease can be stressful and other challenges that come with sickle cell anemia. Patients with the condition experience stress and anxiety about pain attacks, treatment options, and possible organ failure. The hormonal changes caused by anxiety can worsen the physical pain or fatigue, and can significantly impair the person’s quality of life.
Legalized cannabis, especially those that contain increased levels of CBD has the potential to treat anxiety and stress. CBD appears to help the body with stressful events and thus can regulate the stress response in the body. CBD has been shown in studies to bring down anxiety by regulating the serotonin signaling in the brain that regulates mood and stress. Moreover, it appeared that THC in low doses also exerts helpful effects on mood and may cause feelings of happiness, which would assist in fighting anxiety.
Stress and anxiety are causally related to physical health and therefore eliminating these factors will have a direct influence on physical health. It has been stated that when anxiety is reduced, the body can handle pain and other signs more effectively and this results in quality wellness.
5 Appetite Stimulation
Sufferers of sickle cell anemia also experience loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss from pain, infections, or side effects from drugs. Staying slim is essential to well-being since it allows the body to have enough power with which to combat diseases and alleviate pains as well as other complications.
Finally, CBD can play its part in helping to promote digestion and entire gut health, which in return would improve the body’s ability to assimilate all the nutrients from the foods that we take. This means that for a sickle cell anemia patient who struggles to take enough food, medical marijuana is the safer option to go for.
Thus, although medical marijuana is not a curative measure for sickle cell anemia, it has several advantages that will seriously boost the quality of life of persons afflicted with the disease. Sickle cell anemia patients might benefit from marijuana as it can help alleviate pain, insomnia, as well as inflammation, some of the more troublesome complications. However, like in the case of other treatments, health consumers should consult their healthcare providers to find out if they are qualified for this treatment.
Introducing medical marijuana to sickle cell anemia patients gives patients a better understanding of their disease and, a better way of treating the disease, makes their disease more manageable, and possibly improves the quality of life of patients.
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