We’ve simplified the process into four steps:
- Register with EZMedCard and consult with a New York-licensed healthcare provider on our secure telehealth platform. Create your EZMedCard account using a valid email address. Complete a short questionnaire about personal and health information and provide a photo ID (we’re required by law to confirm your identity). You’ll need a device (smartphone, computer, or tablet) with a stable internet connection and a functional camera for the consultation.
- Book an appointment or join the virtual waiting room. When the provider is ready, you’ll receive a text message. You’ll video chat with an EZMedCard healthcare provider (like a virtual doctor’s visit) who will assess your medical condition(s) and determine your eligibility for a New York medical marijuana certificate.
- Once approved, your provider will forward your details and medical cannabis certificate to the State of New York.
- At the dispensary, present your certification and a government-issued ID to purchase medical cannabis products.
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